"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:19-20)

Monday, August 8, 2011

All Things are Done in His Wisdom

Liebe Familie und Freunde:

Summer is pretty much over, and we are heading into Autumn! This was the shortest and fastest summer of my life- and actually the coldest! I've heard of the over 100 degree weather in Texas and all over in the USA... mercy! I remember back to the summers of drumline and marching band rehearsals outside... Tiger Band, keep drinking that water!

The Lord is so good at doing exactly what needs to be done at just the right time! His will is always the best, and He knows what He is doing. This has been seen here in Mönchengladbach for the last few weeks. We have received revelation about where to go to find people who are ready to investigate and live the gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through the Prophet Joseph. It's one thing to learn the gospel, it's another thing to know the gospel. But above all, it is the sign of a disciple of Christ to make the changes necessary to live the gospel of Jesus Christ- not just live it, but to enjoy it and live it in full to receive all the blessings that He is willing to give us. That's what I am working on- living it. Allowing changes to happen that will help me live the gospel better, and help others to live the gospel better. With that being said, we have been venturing out of Mönchengladbach main city to some smaller Dorfs in the area. Wickrath, Wanlo, Heinsberg- there is a neat spirit in these small, quaint cities! Elder Van Camp and I feel really good about these areas, and from talking with the members in these areas, have made plans to work with them to teach investigators and bring them to church, so they can come closer to Christ. Individuals will come- families will come- huge groups will come to the knowledge of the truthfulness of the restored gospel and come to live it- just like in the early days of the church- I know it.

Yesterday was a real neat Sunday. There was a baptism for an 8 year old girl right after church. We had told all our investigators about it, and invited them all. As sacrament meeting started, I was playing the organ, and looked over and saw Michael walk in! Michael is a bit rough, has a super nice heart, and totally suprised us by coming to church! It was such a great thing to see him walk in! After the sacrament portion of the meeting, I came down and sat between two enlish-speakers to translate for them, and did so through the testimony meeting. Michael was sitting by a member and leaned over and said something, then Michael stood up and walked to the front and bore a sweet, simple testimony! I looked up at Bishop as Michael was walking up and talking, and, agian, I wish I could have had a picture of my face, or at least one of bishop's- one of complete joy and hope, a huge smile and wide eyes! We have met with Michael for a few months, Wednesday's at 1500 at the church- he has made some great progress recently, and this was just astounding! He spoke about how it was so neat to see the memebers truly love this church and each other, to see how much this gospel met to them. I was also very grateful that the previous week was the stake temple week! We finished the meeting and talked with members before the baptism- Michael was just like a member! He was so comfortable and friendly- He didn't hang on to us missionaries, but made some real great friends with the members. The baptism service was real spiritual and special, and Michael loved it! After, we had a dessert/social and Michael didn't even really acknowledge us, but sat with the members, laughed, and had a good time eating some of the best dessert I have had here! It was such a neat experience to have! To see Michael come and be so comfortable, feel the spirit, connect with the members- we are really excited about working more with him and helping him along the path to living the gospel of Jesus Christ. We had some members come up to us after and ask about him- they want to help us teach and help Michael udnerstand the gospel, and they are about that excited! They recognize that he knows that there is something special- something divinely significant about it all, and we all want to help him see that in full. How wonderful!

"The Lord is my light, so why should I fear?", "I believe in Christ, so come what may." These lines from some wonderful hymns sum it all up- The Lord is with us, so it really doesn't matter what is against us! The powers of the Priesthood are real. The powers of the gifts of the spirit are real. The power of the Gift of the Holy Ghost is real. The power of saving eternal ordinances is real. The powers of light, of smiles, of service are real. How grateful I am for a God of power- and all-powerful Father who allows me to experience His power and taste of His love and concern for His children. How grateful I am for my Redeemer- the light and life of the world- the source of all that is good. Just as the sun gives light, life, and warmth to the world, so does the Son- His power breaches all barriers and overcomes all obstacles. He lives. His death and resurrection was not a fable or an opticle illusion. It happened, in actual reality. I have felt the power of it.

Thank you so much for all of your love and support. The power of prayer is real!

Travis, Willkommen in der Familie Garlick! Ich bin so froh und begeistert dich kennen zulernnen! Aber, weiß ich doch schon dass du einer wunderbare Person bist! Number 9! You need to know that you are the luckiest man in the world to be marrying my sister...Don't ever forget that. Oh, and the roses... classy! Echt klasse!

We can't add more days to our lives, but we can sure add more life to our days!
With all my love and best,

Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22

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