Liebe Familie und Freunde:
Bad news: I am being transfered out of Wiesbaden. Good News: I am going up to Dortmund! Better News: I get to serve with Elder Walker as Zone Leaders! Betterer News: Sister Garlick will still be serving up in Dortmund, too! I am so excited!! I have always wanted to serve with Elder Walker since I met him back on the train to Mönchengladbach many many moons ago. He is from Australia and we have become real good friends since being in the same Zone my whole mission, except this last cycle. He is such a hardworking and obedient missionary- I am excited to learn and work! And, of all the slimest of slim chances, two cousins serving in the same mission, with the same name, in the same city, in the same ward. It's not chance at all- the Lord has His hand in it, I know it! And Grandma Garlick must have an influence, too :-) I really am looking forward to this new adventure up in Dortmund. I have loved loved LOVED my time in Wiesbaden and Mainz, but it is funny how ever since President called on Friday, I have felt like I am needed up in Dortmund, and have really felt anxious to get up there and get going. I got the email today about travel- I am the group leader for 8 missionaries from Frankfurt to Dortmund with all our luggage, getting onto trains and connections- what an adventure! I really am so excited! When President called, I missed the call first, and saw he called... I knew that it was a call to be transfered out. I thought "I wonder if I don't call him back, I won't ever get transfered out of Wiesbaden..." Ha, don't worry, I called back and am so excited now! When he said I would be working with Elder Walker, I really couldn't believe it, and had him repeat it, thinking I didn't understand the German correctly! Life is good, life is really very good! And Sister Tuschling, who was here in Mainz with us and Sister Nieman, will be coming up to Dortmund to work with Sister Garlick.
And I thought my mission couldn't get any better.... :-)
Wow, when I think back on the last 6 months here in Wiesbaden, it doesn't seem like 6 months at all... I talked with Elder Sheppard last night for call-ins, and said that I often think "Oh yeah, last week when it was January and freezing cold..." but then I realize that it is almost May, and can't believe how fast time flies! I learned more than I ever have here in Wiesbaden. I learned how to pray, how to really pray. I learned how to use the scriptures as THE source for answering questions. I learned how to have patience with myself. I leared that miracles come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. I learned how success can be had only after a prayer of faith and the work to realize that prayer. I learned that living in downtown means no parking spots, ever. I learned the benefit of smiling. I have learned that no matter how much I try, the Lord will always bless me more that I could ever return to Him. I have become more confident in giving Priesthood blessings and understand more now what it means to speak for the Lord. I learned that my body still rejects Saur Kraut... I learned the importance of church and meetings as a time to come together and teach one another, share our experiences, and learn. I learned that there are no boring meetings in the church. I learned that simplicity is the best. I learned how to trust in the Lord. I learned that the way of the disciple and a missionary if one of service and love. I learned the importance of drycleaning my suits more often. I learned that I discovered my love for teaching, and felt my desire to always keep teaching the gospel.
I was talking with a member in the American ward the other day, and he asked how I liked my mission. I said it was the best thing I have done, the bast part of my life. Then I added, "And I expect the future to get even better." He was real surprised at this, and couldn't quite believe it. I thought about that answer later, and I still stand by it. Sure, the mission is a wonderful experience, the best I have had up to this point in my life, and Wiesbaden the best up to this point in my mission, but I truly do expect the future to be even better and even more full of miracles and joy- for the rest of my mission, and for the rest of my life. I look forward to talking all I have learned and applying it to my life so that my mission doesn't become that one highlight "best two years of my life".... When all is done and through with this earth life, if the best two years of my entire life was when I was 19 and 20 yeras old, I think I would feel like I haven't lived up to what I should be or could have done. No, these two years really are the best two years FOR my life, and the best is yet to come!
Ich weiß, dass Gott mein Vater ist. Er hört meine Gebete, und gib mir Antworten dafür. Manchmal, kommen die Antworten in eine besondere Art und Weise, aber die Antworten kommen! Ich weiß, dass Jesus Christus lebt. Sein Mach ist überaus groß und ändert mich jeden Tag. Ich spüre die Leibe Christ wann ich in der Schriften forschen. Ich habe eine feste Zeugnis, dass die heilige Schriften, nämlich die Bibel, das Buch Mormon, Lehre und Bündnisse, und die Kostliche Perle, wirklich das Wort Gottes sind. Die sind die Wahrheit, und alle die Antworten des Lebens stehen darin! Ich weiß, dass Joseph Smith Gott und Jesus wirklich gesehen hat. Er hat die Kirche, das Priestertum, und die Heilige Handlungen dazu für uns wiederhergestellt. Präsident Monson ist der wahr Prophet Gottes. Ich bin so dankbar und freue mich sehr, dass ich ein Mitglied der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage bin! Jawohl!
Alle meine Liebe,
Bad news: I am being transfered out of Wiesbaden. Good News: I am going up to Dortmund! Better News: I get to serve with Elder Walker as Zone Leaders! Betterer News: Sister Garlick will still be serving up in Dortmund, too! I am so excited!! I have always wanted to serve with Elder Walker since I met him back on the train to Mönchengladbach many many moons ago. He is from Australia and we have become real good friends since being in the same Zone my whole mission, except this last cycle. He is such a hardworking and obedient missionary- I am excited to learn and work! And, of all the slimest of slim chances, two cousins serving in the same mission, with the same name, in the same city, in the same ward. It's not chance at all- the Lord has His hand in it, I know it! And Grandma Garlick must have an influence, too :-) I really am looking forward to this new adventure up in Dortmund. I have loved loved LOVED my time in Wiesbaden and Mainz, but it is funny how ever since President called on Friday, I have felt like I am needed up in Dortmund, and have really felt anxious to get up there and get going. I got the email today about travel- I am the group leader for 8 missionaries from Frankfurt to Dortmund with all our luggage, getting onto trains and connections- what an adventure! I really am so excited! When President called, I missed the call first, and saw he called... I knew that it was a call to be transfered out. I thought "I wonder if I don't call him back, I won't ever get transfered out of Wiesbaden..." Ha, don't worry, I called back and am so excited now! When he said I would be working with Elder Walker, I really couldn't believe it, and had him repeat it, thinking I didn't understand the German correctly! Life is good, life is really very good! And Sister Tuschling, who was here in Mainz with us and Sister Nieman, will be coming up to Dortmund to work with Sister Garlick.
And I thought my mission couldn't get any better.... :-)
Wow, when I think back on the last 6 months here in Wiesbaden, it doesn't seem like 6 months at all... I talked with Elder Sheppard last night for call-ins, and said that I often think "Oh yeah, last week when it was January and freezing cold..." but then I realize that it is almost May, and can't believe how fast time flies! I learned more than I ever have here in Wiesbaden. I learned how to pray, how to really pray. I learned how to use the scriptures as THE source for answering questions. I learned how to have patience with myself. I leared that miracles come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. I learned how success can be had only after a prayer of faith and the work to realize that prayer. I learned that living in downtown means no parking spots, ever. I learned the benefit of smiling. I have learned that no matter how much I try, the Lord will always bless me more that I could ever return to Him. I have become more confident in giving Priesthood blessings and understand more now what it means to speak for the Lord. I learned that my body still rejects Saur Kraut... I learned the importance of church and meetings as a time to come together and teach one another, share our experiences, and learn. I learned that there are no boring meetings in the church. I learned that simplicity is the best. I learned how to trust in the Lord. I learned that the way of the disciple and a missionary if one of service and love. I learned the importance of drycleaning my suits more often. I learned that I discovered my love for teaching, and felt my desire to always keep teaching the gospel.
I was talking with a member in the American ward the other day, and he asked how I liked my mission. I said it was the best thing I have done, the bast part of my life. Then I added, "And I expect the future to get even better." He was real surprised at this, and couldn't quite believe it. I thought about that answer later, and I still stand by it. Sure, the mission is a wonderful experience, the best I have had up to this point in my life, and Wiesbaden the best up to this point in my mission, but I truly do expect the future to be even better and even more full of miracles and joy- for the rest of my mission, and for the rest of my life. I look forward to talking all I have learned and applying it to my life so that my mission doesn't become that one highlight "best two years of my life".... When all is done and through with this earth life, if the best two years of my entire life was when I was 19 and 20 yeras old, I think I would feel like I haven't lived up to what I should be or could have done. No, these two years really are the best two years FOR my life, and the best is yet to come!
Ich weiß, dass Gott mein Vater ist. Er hört meine Gebete, und gib mir Antworten dafür. Manchmal, kommen die Antworten in eine besondere Art und Weise, aber die Antworten kommen! Ich weiß, dass Jesus Christus lebt. Sein Mach ist überaus groß und ändert mich jeden Tag. Ich spüre die Leibe Christ wann ich in der Schriften forschen. Ich habe eine feste Zeugnis, dass die heilige Schriften, nämlich die Bibel, das Buch Mormon, Lehre und Bündnisse, und die Kostliche Perle, wirklich das Wort Gottes sind. Die sind die Wahrheit, und alle die Antworten des Lebens stehen darin! Ich weiß, dass Joseph Smith Gott und Jesus wirklich gesehen hat. Er hat die Kirche, das Priestertum, und die Heilige Handlungen dazu für uns wiederhergestellt. Präsident Monson ist der wahr Prophet Gottes. Ich bin so dankbar und freue mich sehr, dass ich ein Mitglied der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage bin! Jawohl!
Alle meine Liebe,
Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
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