"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:19-20)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Einfach schön!

July 16, 2012

Liebe Familie und Freunde:

What a week! It was full of strategie and planning and organising, and great spiritual experiences! We got transfer calls on Saturday... I am staying here with Elder Walker! But, sadly, the Garlick clove is getting spread out... Sister Garlick is going down to Heidelberg. She will do so great there! And that is where our name stemms back to- so she is going to the homeland! I have really loved my time so far in Dortmund, and especially for being with or seeing SIster Garlick nearly every day! I love our familiy- there is such a strength from a good family. 

I have been learning a lot about planning and setting priorities. The mission has set a standard of excellence, and Elder Walker and I really want to reach this standard- and it's been a wild ride! We also have been figuring out how best to help the Zone. We are getting a huge turnover in the Zone this coming cycle, 4 new missionaries and 4 other transfers in. It is always fun that each cycle has a different feel to it, because of the new people in the Zone. We are real excited- there have been some great miracles in the Zone with people coming to church and wanting to learn more, members feeling the spirit of missionary work and inviting their neighbours to come to an activity, and people discovering just how rare a possession the Book of Mormon really is. Kathir is making so much progress! He came to church on Sunday and we went to a member's house after church for dinner and a lesson. He expressed how he can't be baptised right now because he doesn't feel like he would be a good Mormon right now. He has such a good heart- he is always helping and serving at FHE and institute and is more active than a lot of members! He loves to learn, and look forward to helping him understand and expereince more of the gospel. 

I sure love being a missionary- there is nothing else like it in the world.. and it is pretty crazy, if you really think about it... 20 year olds being send to foreign countries all over the world, to live with another 20 year old, neither of whom have learned the language very long nor been to that country before, some coming right out of high school, to cook and clean and use public transport or bikes or walk all over huge cities as well as small country villages, to be responsible for the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed from the beginning to Adam, by inviting people to make sacred covenants with their Heavenly Father, all helping them to progress along His plan of salvation for their happiness now and eternal joy in the world to come, all to help us reach our potential to enjoy all the blessings of God. What a crazy idea! But it's true- it is the work of the Lord, going forth like Daniel saw in King Nebukadnezar's dream... a small rock cut out of the mountain without hands, rolling forth to fill the whole earth. What a vision! What a work! I have noticed that the way the world does a lot of things are complex and difficult and covered in ruffles and lace and pearls... but the way the Lord does things is much simpler. He takes some shoes that have been worn through, holes in the socks, ties that have had food spilled on them, and a speaker with a funny accent and limited vocabulary and leads them to  those children of our Heavenly Father who are searching for the truth. He leads His servants to be His hands is serving and helping and loving- one heart at a time, one smile at a time. The world wants everything now- huge, world changes. The Lord works one by one. How excellent and rare that is- but it's the work of the Lord! I know it's true.

Ich stimme ganz und gar zu: Die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage ist die einzige wahre und lebendige Kirche in der ganzen Welt. Die Himmel ist nicht zugeschlossen, das Wort Gottes hört niemals auf, Engel sind zur Erde wiedergekommen. Das Evangelium hilft mir mich zu ändern, und meine Potenzial erreichen zu können. Das ist die Wahrheit!

Ich hab' euch Lieb!
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Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22

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