Liebe Familie und Freunde:
This was a huge week of service!
Called to serve, it's what we love! I saw reports about the missionaries in New
York and New Jersey who are helping so much with the clean up after the
hurricane. I don't think there is a better way to share the Gospel of Jesus
Christ and the message of the Church than by living the gospel through service
to others. Through these big planned service projects, as well as, and
even better, through small acts of kindness, people get to see the Gospel of
Christ in action- it being used for the purpose for which it was given us: to
serve and help others come closer to Christ.
It was also a crazy week of
organizing all the missionaries going down to Frankfurt, and those coming back
up to Dortmund for transfers. We now have the two new Elders living with us
until we find them a new apartment. Change is fun! But it also takes a lot of
organizing :-) Many new missionaries straight from the MTC came to the Zone,
some from Utah, and one from Finland!
Stefan is so great! We taught the
Word of Wisdom, Tithing, and Fasting... of course, he said we would live them
all! Stefan is one of those that has been prepared his whole life for the
Gospel, and was led by the Lord to accept it at this time.
We are still waiting for Romania to
come to Dortmund... The fathers went back this week to pick up their families
and should be getting here soon.
There was a huge Stake Ball this
week, and three people were in charge of all the decorations... over 6,000
balloons! Our schedule was such, that we were at the church quite a bit this
week, and everything worked out just right so we had the time and availability
to help out, where these three people really needed it! It all turned out
really nice, and it felt great to be able to be in the right place at the right
time to help... even though this "interruption" took us from other
things we planned on doing that day. Dad, thanks for that quote from C.S.
Lewis. These interruptions are no interruptions at all. Rather, it is the
influence of the Lord, to use us for His purposes in His way to bless the
children of the Father. It is the hand of the Lord, turning us into His
hands to serve and help and make light the burdens of others. We were there on
Friday night when people were coming to the dance, and made sure friends and
members were together and taken care of for the evening... then we ate some
food from the buffet... and just a side note, I think Germans are the best at
doing buffets... there are buffets for every event... and they are great!
Anyways... we left, and went back to
our apartment. We had a lot to organize for the Zone in the coming weeks, and
needed the time before the weekend came. Right on the corner of our house was a
very old woman with a walker, looking quite confused and lost. I looked at her
as we walked up to turn the corner, took one more step, then had to turn back
and go ask if we could help. She thought it was the afternoon, and was going to
her appointment at the doctors. It was 8:30pm, and the doctors was definitely
not open. So we asked if we could walk with her back to her house. She was very
grateful... and for the first time in my life, I actually helped an old lady
cross the road! :-) Frau Koch is her name, and she is 97! As we were walking,
about 20 minutes, very slowly, she told us all about her life and family. She
and her brother had a construction business and actually helped to build the
church building in Düsseldorf many years ago! She knew right away that we were
the Mormon Missionaries. We kept going, and I remembered back to the days when
Grandma Burton lived behind Grandpa and Grandma Blake, and Ali and Makell and I
would go over and help Grandma Burton walk over to the Blakes. Those were great
times, and I really feel I learned a lot from my Great Grandparents. I
feel really close to my great grandparents that I knew, and still feel great
love for the older generation. I remembered the love for my own relatives,
and felt love for Frau Koch. This older generation went through so much and
have so much to offer, especially on counsel to the youngsters growing up. I
asked, "What would you counsel us, as we are growing up through
life?" She stopped walking, shook her hands forward as she talked, like
Pr. Uchtdorf does, and said "Sie müssen leben wollen", or "You
need to want to live." She shared some more about her life and all that
she experiences. I learned so much about doing those things that make life
worth living.
Frau Koch focused a lot on the
family, and how having and raising a family is one of the greatest things that
make life worth living. I agree. But what is it about the family that makes
life so worth living? It's the family counsels, and the family singing at the
piano, it's the boys vs. girls football game, it's the laughing and not being
able to stop when dad sits by you in Stake Conference, it's the road trips with
movies with the commentary and no remote to turn it off, it's the trips to
places where Spanish is the main language. It's the dwelling boxes and Rex,
it's the family videos and dancing to Lawrence Welk, it's the swing dancing and
the Christmas eve letters, it's the pulling weeds, and the morning song. It's
the "Oh what a beautiful morning" to wake up for scriptures, it's the
fried pickles and doughy caramel cake. It's the late night talks, it's the
early morning Aggie Flags, it's the games and the treats, the surprise snacks,
and the family picture-taking shoot bonanza... that makes life worth living!
The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes
life worth living. Seeing people accept the gospel, read the Book of Mormon and
change their lives, and become more happy than they ever thought, makes life
worth living. Seeing personal progress and change makes life worth living.
Seeing the hand of the Lord each day, and the many miracles that He does each
day, makes life worth living. A hope of the next life and the Resurrection make
life worth living. The hope of an eternal family and eternal progression makes
life worth living. Knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ is again restored on
the earth makes life worth living. There is so many reasons to live, and
innumerable things that make life worth living! How grateful I am to live at
this time in the history of the world! And the best is yet to come. I know
Ich hab' euch alle Lieb!

Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22