Liebe Familie und Freunde:
This was the fastest week of my
mission! Tons of travel, extreme efforts, and many miracles. Here is a rundown
of the week:
Operation Paderborn! We felt we
needed to do something to help the missionaries and the area- it has been a
real tough place for missionary work the last while. So us and the missionaries
from Münster and Unna met up in Unna Monday night, woke up and traveled to
Paderborn, to be there at 6:30am, to ring the door bell, and suprise the missionaries,
and make breakfast for them and work all together all day in Paderborn! The
Sisters from Hamm also came over and stayed for the day. There was a great
feeling of unity and excitement, as 10 missionaries walked the street, met the
members, found many searching for the gospel, and hopefully left a good
impression on the city, the missionaries, and the branch there. Then we
traveled to Hagen for District Meeting- the topics were all in preparation for
this week.. which I will explain in a little...
Happy Halloween! Germany doesn't
quite celebrate Halloween... we did see two kids dressed up throughout the
course of the evening, though :-) Br. and Sis. Pelc invited us over to their
garden house to pick apples with them! They have been coming to church for
quite a while, and really enjoy the people and the Gospel. And when I say we
went to their garden house, I mean it! They quite literally live in the middle
of a garden with huge apple trees, kiwi trees.. who knew kiwis grew on
trees?!... pumpkin and potatoe fields, chickens, and grape vines everywhere! It
completely slipped our minds to bring work clothes, but nonetheless, the
ladders were brought, the apples were picked, and it was a ball! They have
given us many apples and grapes and kiwis and potatoes in the past, but this
time, they loaded us up with a huge trolly full of apples, grapes, and a huge
pumpkin.... So what does one do with so many grapes with seeds in them? Make
grape juice, of course! I felt a little like "I Love Lucy" when she
made the grape juice by smashing them with her feet... we did it with our
hands, however! It was great! And at the end, we had a liter and a half of the
most delicious grape juice I have ever had! Today we are going to make more
grape juice, apple juice, and apple sauce with the McPhersons and the Sisters
at the church for PDay. Just squish or blend it, put it in a dish towel, and
squeeze! It made me think a lot about the small and simpleness of a grape...
one grape is not big at all, and at the beginning, I was a bit skeptical,
thinking that we may get two or three cups... but each grape gave its juice,
and at the end, we had much more than we bargained for! Small things truly do
bring great things to pass!
We traveled to Essen for their
District Meeting, an Elder Penfold stayed there and Elder Hall came back to
Dortmund with me for a split. We ate Rocklette at Dilia's house, and had
a great meeting with the Grockowiak family that evening.
We met with Fikrat, Abe, Bapoo, and
the Mimini Family! Such wonderful people, all trying to experience and live the
gospel better. Abe is from Morocco, and we met in the library where we taught
about the Restoration of the Gospel. We would teach one point, and he would ask
a question that would lead right on to the next point to teach! "But
without apostles on the earth, how did God run His church?" "But how
do I know if Joseph Smith really was a prophet?" "What do I need to
do to find out if the Book of Mormon is true?" "Where can I get a
Book of Mormon?" It was great! He has been prepared throughout his life
for this time to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Then we traveled to far far away
Siegen, where we stayed for Saturday and worked with the Elders there. Elder
Mildon and I found a man on the street who comes from the exact same city in
India that Kathir is from! His name is Steve, and it will be great when he
comes to Institute and can meet up with Kathir.
Then Sunday happened.... I love
Sundays! Gristi and Mitu are the two Romanian members who have been coming off
and on for the last few weeks, they are really trying hard, and I love them so
much! They have brought friends now and again. In sacrament meeting, I turned
around to see these two and three friends walk in the back- 5 large Romanian
men go sit on the back row! I went back and sat next to Gristi. The friends
could speak Romanian and Spanish... no English and German enough to say
"Hallo, Danke, Bitte"... so I went to the library to see what I could
find.. there was a Spanish Book of Mormon! cool! I walked out, but still felt
to go check in the YSA library... I walked to the institute part of the
building, and there, right on the middle table, among Liahonas and other
papers, was a Restoration pamphlet in Spanish! I smiled, and said a silent
prayer of gratitude on my way back to the chapel. We had brought a Romanian
pamphlet as well, but now with all these materials, we passed them silently
over the shoulder to these men, who then spent the entire Sacrament meeting
reading through the pamphlets! It was a fun sight to see! After, Gristi wanted
to go to the computers and use Google translate to better communicate. So all
seven of us go to the computers, and this is when it got real exciting...
Gristi was writing in Romanian on his computer, translated into English, about
his life story and conversion to the gospel. Mitici was an older man on the
other computer, and was explaining to me his current situation and how he just
moved here. On the table, Mitu was with another friend and the pamphlets and
Book of Mormon teaching him all about the Restoration, using the pictures, and
Elder Penfold there guiding the conversation! It was so cool! Mitici said he
loved the church and all that he read about, and we are all meeting again on
Friday to learn more... and use Google Translate :-) THEN he explained that his
family of children and grandchildren will all be coming to Dortmund in the next
few weeks, and he wants to bring them all to church, to meet us and learn about
the gospel... all 31 of them! We have been learning some simple phrases in
Romanian to talk with them without the computer, but it is such a blessing to
see the power of the Gospel touch the hearts of others, regardless of what
language they speak, and bring about a positive change in their lives. Who knows...
maybe there will be a Romanian branch here in Dortmund soon :-) And it was so
much fun to use my extremely limited Spanish to talk with them... bien! grande!
see! familie! momento! Jess, you would be proud!
This is the work of the Lord. This
week, all the missionaries in the Zone will be working to reach the goal of
finding 10 new investigators. There have been so many miracles in the last
week, preparing us for this coming week. This coming week is crazy- every
member of the Zone will be in Frankfurt for at least one day this week! With
all these meetings, some may have changed the week focus to a week that would
have been "easier" to find 120 new investigators in the Zone.. but we
can't go back on the feelings of confirmation we received from the Spirit. This
is the Lord's time to shine. It always is, but this week especially, because
there is no way we can do this alone. There is no way that this will work this
week... but it will! The Lord is here, His hand is guiding us. I love this
work! May I always do my part, whether I wear a name tag or not.
Ich liebe euch wirklich!
Alles Gute,

Elder Nathan D.
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
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