"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:19-20)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It's Christmas to Me!

Liebe Familie und Freunde:

Christmas time is here! It is so exciting! Last year, I was in the Wiesbaden Military Ward, so this is my first real German Christmas! There is such a neat feel in the air! It even snowed a bit on Saturday night... the snow, the markets, the music, the joy: this is Christmas to me!

On Saturday, we started out the Christmas season with a Street Display. We had some large posters on Christ, copies of the Book of Mormon, and chalk. We drew a big square on the ground, and asked people what Christmas meant to them. They wrote some thoughts or drew pictures in the box. It was mostly for the kids, but was fun! We were able to talk with many people, and had some great discussions. It is always so interesting to me, how the real meaning of purpose is getting more and more lost... lost among the bows and price tags and stress... that's the funniest part to me... why so much stress at Christmastime? At any rate... we sang many Christmas hymns on the street, as missionaries and members, and quite a few people stopped, listened, and even sang along. There is a power in the true meaning of Christmas, especially in the hymns and carols we sing. It was a great experience. I didn't even feel cold the whole time! But then we got hot chocolate afterwards, and realized I couldn't feel my feet... tis the season!

Stefan came to church in a ful three-piece suit! He is so great. He is excited, and is so ready for his baptism on the 22nd! 

On Tuesday, we met with Stefan in a cafe. We talked about the Book of Mormon, and asked how that was going. He is reading right through, and understanding! We reminded him of the promise in Moroni 10, about reading, praying, and receiving and answer that it is true. We asked him if he had done that. He looked at us and said, "Actually, I know the Book of Mormon is true. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here." I thought a lot about that answer. It is so true; Stefan felt the power and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, which led to his conviction that the Church is true, and that kept his desire to meet with us and come to church. I thought more about that, and that is the same answer I can give. I know the Book of Mormon is true. Othewise, I wouldn't be here in Germany right now. The Book of Mormon means everything! If it is true, the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored, prophets live and teach today, the Priesthood of God is on the earth, and pure truth of God and His plan is again on the earth. If the Book of Mormon is false, then I'm between a rock and a hard place, for spending these last two years proclaming the Christ of whom the Book of Mormon bears witness. Honestly, if the Book of Mormon wasn't true, I wouldn't be here right now. No matter how great the organization of the Church is, the programs, or the doctrine or plan, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon holds it all together, and makes it all valid and work. I have seen the power of the Book of Mormon in my life, in Stefan's life, in the lives of so many others. This is the marvelous work talked about in the scriptures; the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and the spirit that comes with, and the lives that are changed, the hearts that are changed and converted, because of the truth it testifies of. What a great blessing, to be involved in such a cause!

tis the season to be joyful! tis the season to make someone's day! tis the season of Him. Ich weiß, dass er lebt.

Alles Gute, und schöne Woche!

Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22

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