"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." (Matthew 28:19-20)

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Book of Mormon in Action!

Well, this week was just full of seeing the Book of Mormon put into action! I only have a few minutes, but I know that the Book of Mormon is true- not so much by reading and praying, but by seeing it in action! Seeing the Book of Mormon work to bring others to God and to change their lives is a miracle- even a marvelous work and a wonder!

Zone Conference was all focused on the Book of Mormon and how to best help those with whom we meet gain a strong testimony of it. Any problem or concern they have really goes back to if Joseph and his successors are prophets of God revealing His word, and we know Joseph is prophet by gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon. 

There was a street display in Hagen this week, and we all really focused on the Book of Mormon. It was amazing! So many people were so excited about this book- and there is a lot to be excited about! Ozzo was Muslim, but felt there was somthing missing. We talked with him about the plan of God, and how He revelas His word to us, especiall today through the Book of Mormon. We read from 3 Nephi 11, right on the street, that wonderful miracle chapter! Ozzo was so excited that there was such doctrine and truth again on the earth- he is going to begin meeting with the Hagen missionaries. That was just one of 6 very clear experiences I had on Saturday at this street display. It was amazing! From Dennis, 17 years old, to A woman and her two kids, telling us to take another copy of the Book of Mormon to her husband at his hair cuttng store, so they can fix their family and marriage, (which we did, they both loved the Book of Mormon and were excited that we talked to them and to meet with the Hagen elders!). It is amazing to see the Book of Mormon in action! It really is the best missionary- just let it speak for itself!

I know Christ lives, and a big reason I know that is because of the testimony of Him that the Book of Mormon gives, and which I have developed by reading and applying. This Church is the Lord's restored organization for how we should live and help and progress- and how to do all that together, to establish Zion- Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise! It is all true and glorious, and such a marvelous work and a wonder!

schöne und liebe Grüsse,
Description: https://mail.google.com/mail/images/cleardot.gif
Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22

p.s. You asked about our Zone, there are 11 cities in our Zone: Dortmund, Hagen, Siegen, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Oberhausen, Herne, Münster, Hamm, Paderborn, Unna. With 13 Missionary companionships (us, sisters, and McPhersons in Dortmund). It is a pretty big area, but I am not sure how to say how big it is.... 45 minute train ride to the far west point!
3 of these areas are branches, the rest wards. Thanks for taking care of the missionaries in College Station! I met a few elders in the MTC that were heading to the Houston North mission... maybe they will be around some time!

Glad to hear the Aggie tradition is still alive :-)

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