Liebe Familie und Freunde:
It has got to feel weird just having the three kids at home! Crazy how time and life go on and change! Something that hasn't changed, that is really not normal, is my companion! Elder Walker and I will be staying together for another cycle! This is 4 cycles, or 6 months together. Neither of us have been with a companion longer than 2 cycles- so here is venturing off into uncharted territory! We are excited- there is so much to do, and miracles are just happened all over the place!
So the other night, we had a ward mission leader stake
training. We were with the high counselours in charge of missionary work
for the stake. It was real good. The neatest was that we introduced
ourselves, and I said I was Elder Garlick, and this one older man nearly
jumped out of his seat! He was Uncle Steven's Ward Mission Leader when
he served in Bochum, here in the stake! Br. Riebe wants his email
address- could you send me uncle steven's email address, then I can get
it to the missionaries to give to Br. Riebe? danke!
This week was just evidence to me,
that God really is a God of Miracles.
Christian is the friend of a woman
we talked to on the street. He got in contact with the SIsters, who set up a
time where us four could meet with him. We had a great time teaching the
restoration. He really felt the spirit, and decided to study as much as he
could, and really find out if this is true. We didn't hear from him for a few
weeks, then last week, he showed up at church with this friend we talked to on
the street, as well as another friend! He said he needed to come and see the
church in action before making a decision. He liked it, but still wasn't sure
if he wanted to learn more. During the week, the sisters called us and said
that Christian called them back and said that he had the most amazing
experience of feeling the most intense spiritual feelings he has had, feeling
the love of God and a confirmation that this is the truth. He said he wants to
join the church as soon as possible! He will be baptised the first week in
October. We need to go over a few commandmanets with him, but he is so ready
and so willing! He stayed after church on Sunday for ward choir practice, and
is pretty much already a member! This is the kind of miracles that just happen-
friends telling friends about the gospel, them coming and seeing, and feeling
it is true. The Lord leads us to those who are prepared- but I know even more
now than ever before, that He always leads the prepared to His church. There is
power in this work- power greater than any man or woman, power more intense,
real, or tangible than gravity or any other natural force. This is the work of
the Lord, His power is at Work. We learned on Sunday about the Priesthood- the
power of God that governs all things in heaven and on earth. His Priesthood is
at Work!
This was just one example, and there
are so many more I wish I could tell! Like with serving the Grockowiak family,
Br. Dwelk's wife being interested in the Gospel, SIs. Dschuschuk coming to
church after many many years, and many personal spiritual victories and
experiences. I will just have to tell them all to you soon! I have learned so
much recently about the power that each of us has to further the work of the
Lord. I wish I would have done more through school to invite others to come and
see, and learn more about the gospel- well, I have a life time ahead of me! The
worth of every soul really is great in the sight of God. There is great power
in the invitation of a friend. I trust the words of the Prophets and Apostles,
which say that the more excellent way to do missionary work isn't so much
wearing a name tag and going door to door.... it is in the daily lives of each
member of the church to do their part at living righteously, and inviting others
to come and see. People notice righteousness when they see it, and everyone
trusts a friend. I have recommitted myself to be myself- to let the gospel
affect every aspect of my life, so people will know that I am a follower of
Christ, and am living His resotred gospel and living the covenants I have made
with Heavenly Father. And not in a "I'm going to live so everyone
knows," but living the life that we have covenanted to live. Then people
will see, then they will feel, then they will ask, then they will come. And
that is cool. That is the work of the Lord at work! That's how it will spread
to the whole earth, to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
I know this Gospel is true. All the
ordinances, laws, and covenants are given to us to make us happy and successful
in this mortal journey. It is beautiful and simple, yet profound and eternal. I
know Christ lives and leads His church through His prophets. What a great
blessing it is to live in a time when God speaks, when angels visit the earth,
and when the truth has come forth, and will continue to do so- for that's what
truth does, it continues and continues and continues, unto all eternity.
Have a great week!

Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
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