Liebe Familie und Freunde:
Meine Gute, es tut mir sehr Leid,
dass ich nicht viel die letzte paar Wochen geschrieben habe... wir waren sehr
beschäftigt! Hopefully I can fill you in enough of the great miracles and
experiences the last few weeks....
First, we went down to Frankfurt
this last week for the Mission Leadership Council. We went to the Tempel on
Wednesday, and then the meetings on Thursday. I love the Tempel. This time
through the session, I really felt that this was the Lord's house, and holiness
to Him. It was really powerful to be there will 30 other missionaries and feel
the power of unity- unity is strength! We were there as the servants of the
Lord, to get re-fueled with power from His house, then go forth and serve HIs
children. I came away with a greater desire to be actively righteous- not just
obedient or choosing the right, but really using my agency to be actively
righteous and choose to do many good things of my own free will and choice. And
that is really what happened- we had a powerful testimony meeting afterward,
and then shared all the successes of the different zones for the last month.
Elder Walker and I put together a slide show with all the things that have been
going well: FHE, Institute, Sport Day, Finding Days, Focus Member weeks, new
reports for the stake and wards, etc. After we finished the powerpoint, we
printed it out and looked at each other in pure amazement- we have no clue how
all that was able to get done in the last month... and it was definitely
nothing of our doing. We just sat down after the last Training Meeting and
decided what needed to be done, then did it. It was a great learning experience
in planning, organizing, prioritizing, this last month.
There have been some huge miracles
recently here in the zone and in Dortmund- there were 4 baptism dates set and
Saturday was a baptism, and another this coming Sunday. Big changes are
happening- but it is really all through our small daily efforts that they
happen. It is really neat to see areas that used to be real slow pick up and
set baptism dates! We started a sport day the other week, Friday night! We
wanted to have a way to invite people to be with us and get to know others, but
not first at church. The first sports day, the sisters had an investigator who
came and brought a friend, a returned missionary came, and we invited two young
guys to come play with as well. It was real neat! The next week, the two young
guys brought three other friends, three other investigators came, a new convert
brought her husband and son, who also brought a friend. It is so cool to see
how just inviting people and having a time to get together really helps
strengthen relationships! Soccer, Basketball and Frisbee at a nearby park-
Missionary work is so much more than just door to door! But we will be scaling
down on our side... last week Elder Walker dove to grab a Frisbee.. it was a
sweet dive, but he really pulled his shoulder! But all is well.
A few weeks ago, we met Freedom on
the street- a cool guy from Nigeria. He is here learning German, and just here
for a better life. He came to institute, then rode his bike an hour and a half
to FHE, then came again to Institute. He says that his schedule is School
8-12:30, then he goes home and reads the Book of Mormon :-) He is such a cool
guy- quiet and reserved, but really genuine. We talked about church, and he
said he really wanted to come. I way playing the organ yesterday, and I felt my
phone buzzing in my pocket. After the prayer I checked it, and it was Freedom!
I hoped that he had come up and was calling to see where we were. I tried to
get Elder Walker's attention in the congregation... the members probably
thought I was going crazy, trying to explain to Elder Walker to go out and get
Freedom.. but he didn't even see me -) Then the door opened, and Freedom came
in, followed by a friend! After the meetings, we went and met Kingsly. This guy
is the coolest guy ever! He is so polite and real smart and a great people
person. He is Freedom's roommate, and also from Nigeria. We were talking a bit
after church and at McPherson's house for lunch about his family- His father
and twin brother died about 10 years ago, and his mother is alone in Nigeria.
Relationships with people are the most important thing to him, and he says that
his mother always told him, that if he makes a friend, make him a brother- with
the love, support, and unity that families bring. He just praised his friend
Freedom, and for good reason. After lunch with Freedom and Kingsly- ...and what
an aweseome name!- we played a round of chickenfoot. As he was leaving he was
so kind to the McPhersons and us, saying that he was so grateful for their
kindness, and really felt the love of family with them. It was real touching,
having talked with him for nearly an hour before lunch about that. After the
sacrament meeting, I introduced myself, and asked how he liked the meeting. HE
said 'I really liked it- I feel it is the word of God here." And I hope
that after being with the members and seeing and feeling their Love, that he can
understand that it is the word of God here- not just spoken or sung, but in
action and love. That is the Gospel of Jesus Christ- love in action.
We had interviews with Präsident
Schwartz on Saturday- I love that man! He is so supportive and loving and wants
to help us all so much. One thing we talked about were spiritual treet- I
havn't the time today to explain it all, but the roots, branches, and fruits of
our spiritual lives and are so important. I started studying more about the
roots yesterday- Roots deep in Jesus Christ really do provide the foundation
and life for us through any situation.
I finished the Book of Mormon in
German last week. Guess what... it is still just as true in German as it is in
Englisch! Well, of course it is :-) I followed Moroni's suggestion at the end,
and really prayed to Heavenly Father to strengthen my testiomony of the Book of
Mormon. I realised that my testimony of the Book of Mormon hasn'T really come
by just reading and praying and feeling good. My testimony of the Book of
Mormon has come as I have applied the teachings and seen the fruits of it in my
life- planting a seed of faith, avoiding the appearance of evil, doing unto one
of the least of these, asking to be filled with this love, go and do- and so
many other truths found in the Book of Mormon, when applied, have witnessed to
me that this book truly comes from God. I know it is true, and it continues to
help me every day. I started again today, with the goal to finish the German
Book of Mormon by the time I come home, this time focusing on "Faith in
Jesus Christ".
I know this work is true. I have
experienced the reality of the Atonement, and the purpose of it- to really
change and become what He wants us to become. Jesus Christ lives, just as much
today as two thousand years ago.
ich hab' euch alle viel Lieb!

Elder Nathan D.
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
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