Liebe Familie und Freunde,
meine Güte, was für eine schöne
Woche! Schön kalt!
This was a really neat week... and
it is getting very cold! I am grateful for the change of season, reminding me
that it is good to change, it is good to go through different stages and phases
in life. Change is the catalyst for growth. ...if we let it.
I have learned that a lot recently.
How grateful I am for the opportunities the Lord has given me to grow these
last weeks... and all from bringing some kind of change in my life, in the
work, in a mindset, in a way of seeing things. Es ist einfach schön!
One of the greatest experiences was
this weekend. I promise, that every week is so wonderful and full of miracles,
but I seem to only report on the weekends! Don't worry, the middle days of the
week are just a good :-)
Our ward planned a ward tempel trip
on Saturday, doing a baptism session. The brother in charge of the trip came to
us and asked if we were planning on going. He said they needed some more
endowed Melchezidek Priesthood holders to do the baptisms and confirmaitons.
Normally, the missionaries in the Frankfurt area can go to the tempel once a
cycle, but way up here in Dortmund, only with a good reason would we be allowed
to travel down to Frankfurt. We weren't sure if Kathir or Christian or others
would be koming to show them the tempel, so we didn't say yes or no. We talked
with President Schwartz, and he left it into our hands to decide if it was
worth our time to go with the ward all day down to the Tempel. We felt that we
should go, but hesitated, because neither Kathir nor Christian would be going,
so it felt a bit like we were just leaving the area to go to the temple for the
day without a real better reason than staying in Dortmund and working in our
area. Well, we decided to go, and drove down very early with the McPhersons to
Friedrichsdorf. IT SNOWED on the way!! I couldn't believe it.... but that's
beside the point... we got to the tempel, and it was beautiful! We went into
the tempel and got changed into white, and waited for the 9am session to start.
The tempel workers came and said that we probably wouldn't be doing the 9am
session because of not enough tempel workers at the time to do the session. we
waited in the chapel, and planned to stay there until the 10am session started.
It ws nice sitting in the chapel and listnening to the organ music soflty playing.
Mom, it reminded me of all those Saturday morning when you would go and play
the organ in the Timpanogas Tempel. Thanks for your example of going to the
tempel often! It was recorded organ music, but it was still beautiful and
peaceful. Right before 9am, they came and said that we actually were going to
do the session after all! It was wonderful! I love German and the tempel even
more now when they are both put together! I felt some very personal and sacred
impressions during the session, and I am so grateful for the tempel and the
peace and direction it offers. We were in the celestial room, sitting quietly,
and admiring the beautiful chandeliers and flowers and mirrors, when a member
of the Tempel Presidency came over to us. He asked if we were "those two
missionaries"... my first thought was..."oh no! what did we
do?!" We followed him out the other side of the celestial room, where the
sealing rooms were. I had never seen them in the Frankfurt tempel before, and
was impressed by their simple beauty. The Presidency members explained to us
that there was a couple that came to the tempel to be sealed, without any
family or anyone else, and asked if we would be willing to be the witnesses for
their sealing. He was smiling broadly, and I looked at Elder Penfold, and we
just smiled and said "Ja!" I was even more suprised and couldn't
believe it when he asked us to sign the sealing certificate! We followed him up
a large gold staircase to the highest and largest sealing room in the tempel.
On the was up, Elder Penfold whispered to me, "Well, I know how I saw the
hand of the Lord today!" We sat on either side of the sealer, and the
couple came in. They looked so happy! They also seemed a bit older than a young
couple getting married... and I thought I recognised the man... but that has
happened so often recently, I didn't really think much of it. The sealing was
beautiful, and the sealer gave some very nice counsel and teachings to the
couple. They were sealed, for time and for all eternity, and the Spirit was so
strong! I was so grateful to be at there at that time to be a witness for this
sealing. Then the sealer said, "Ok, let's bring the daughter in." A 5
year old girl was brought into the sealing room, and she was then sealed to her
parents, for time and for all eternity. It was such a special sacred feeling,
seeing this family come to the temple to be sealed. We were so full of joy, and felt the
Spirit and angels very near. We left the sealing room, back down the
staircases, just smiling, full of thanks for the experience and blessings from
the Lord to have had this special opportunity. We left and went back downstairs. This couple and their daughter were there in the
waiting room.... and I kept looking over, trying to think of if I really did
know him.... They stood up to leave and walked over to us. I knew I knew him
from somewhere, and from the look on his face, I knew he knew that he knew me
from somewhere! He came over, and we found out that they were in my ward in
Wiesbaden, and he did all the technology and building operations. We talked to
him often then whenever we had the chance. I don't remember them coming to
church very often, but recognized his face when I saw him. It was such a
miracle, that of all the people that could have been in the temple on that day,
they went to get sealed, we decided to go there, we were able to be the
witnesses, and we could reconnect after nearly a year. This is what the work of
the Lord is about, people making progress, changing, growing, and it all
leading a family to the temple to be sealed for time and for all eternity. What
a blessing! What power, and spirit!
Zone Conference was also this week.
I was able to translate for most of it, German to English. I really like
translating. Language is so cool! I remember back to my setting apart from
President Prier, who blessed me with the Gift of Tongues. I know that gift is
real. It is truly a blessing from God, and I am grateful every day for the opportunity
the Lord has given me to learn German, and for the blessing it has been to
teach the Gospel in this wonderful language to these wonderful people. The next
Zone Conference will be in the end of January, so this was my last Zone
Konferenz. President asked those missionaries who are going home in three weeks
to bear their testimonies at the end, and then asked me to bear mine. I was so
grateful for the opportunity to stand and bear my testimony in the language I
learned in order to preach the Gospel, and which I love so much. I bore my
testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and of the change that has come into
my life becuase of it. I am so grateful that I still have time left to bear my
testimony and serve as much as I can. The mission has come to mean more and
more to me as time has gone on.
Called to know the richness of His
Sons and Daughter, children of a
Glad of heart HIs holy name
Praises unto HIm we'll sing.
Onward, ever onward, as we glory in
His name.
Forward, pressing forward, as a
triumph song we sing.
God our strength will be,
Press forwad ever,
Called to Serve our King
Of that I bear witness, that it so
is in the service of the Lord.
Ich hab' euch alle so viel Lieb!
Danke sehr für eure Gebete und Unterstützung. Das schönste im Leben ist im
Dienst an Andere. Das weiß ich bestimmt.
Alles Gute!

Elder Nathan D.
Deutschland Frankfurt Mission
"Sollen wir in einer so großen Sache nicht vorwärtsgehen?" LuB 128:22
Deutschland Frankfurt Mission
"Sollen wir in einer so großen Sache nicht vorwärtsgehen?" LuB 128:22
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