Liebe Familie und Freunde:
I feel so spoiled... Yesterday,
President Monson was in Frankfurt, and they broadcasted the Meeting to all the
churches in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland! 15 days, President Monson 3
times! He spoke to us about Love- the love we have for God and for our fellow
men, and how we can show it. Christ taught compassion by being compassionate,
forgiveness by forgiving, and so forth. It was such a simple, heartfelt talk,
yet powerful and impactful. He blessed us all with peace in our hearts, and
contentment in our souls. It was a real special blessing- he talked about the
Joy that comes from loving and serving, and that peace and contentment come
from knowing we are in good standing with the Lord and with others. Service and
Love- there is nothing more noble and inspiring, and nothing else that will
bring more happiness and joy to life. I love, also, what Elder Tixiera said,
our Area President. he spoke right before President Monson, and is so happy and
full of light! he said: "There is Goodness here today." And goodness
there was! I have really felt the guiding hand of the Lord in my life recently,
especially with teaching me the things I need to know. It has been a long time
since I was in Mönchengladbach in my first months as a missionary, but I
honestly feel that I am still learning so much, and the Lord just keeps giving
me that which I need. That is goodness. The little witnesses from Him that show
that He loves and is there, that He knows me and watches out for me.
A great tender mercy of the Lord:
After the meeting, we had some things to plan and organise for this week, but a
Romainian brother was at church and asked us to come visit later that day. We
had a bunch to do, and weren't sure if we could make it, but felt that it was
what we should do. We went by, and he wasn't there, but his friend, who is
also a member, but wasn't at church, let us in, and was very sick. I think I
have told you about him before, he whose family is still in Romania, he was
baptised 4 years ago, lost his job as a preacher and professor, and needs to
work now in Germany to support his whole family. He was at such a low point
yesterday. We asked him if he would like a blessing. He was so grateful, and
the spirit was very strong. Through him, we blessed his family in Romania, and
that meant the world to him. He began feeling much better, and is excited to
come to church again on Sunday- we are going to use Google Translate, so he can
explain everything to us :-) It was a short, but powerful and sweet experience,
of following the Spirit and being able to bless a man and his family who so
greatly needed that help. What a blessing to be able to have the Gift of the
Holy Ghost, and have the opportunity to follow the promptings we receive. That
action is the only way that we can be of real help and service to God and our
fellow men.
During the day, three people
approached us and asked us who we were, and want to learn more about the gospel
and the Book of Mormon! The Lord will bring His children to His church and to
His truth. It is such an amazing experience to be on both ends of this
process... the Lord teaching me and me learning so much, and feeling of His
Spirit, and then seeing other people being led by His spirit to ask what it is
that we are doing, and then decide to learn more. It is just the greatest, to
be a missionary!
Elder Penfold is such a great
companion! We have been able to hit the ground running, and are having so much
fun along the way! He is smart and willing to do anything he can to support the
missionaries and the members with whom we are working. It just keeps getting
better! We feel the changes coming in the Zone and area, and I wish I
could accurately explain all that we feel and see happening! Just
know it's Good! There is goodness here today! and tomorrow... and there will
always be! For this is the work of the Lord.
This work is true. Jesus Christ is
the Way, as He always has and always will be. There is something deep and
sublime to the Savior's words, "Come, Follow Me." It is in our
emulating of Him that we can truly be used as an instrument in His hands to
bless and touch the lives of many of God's children. And the joy we receive is
the greatest blessing He could give us! The world today seeks much to much for
something tangible or visible to show off or prove that they are better than
someone else or that they did this big great thing. As President Monson said,
"These actions to show that we love God will rarely be recognized by the
world. Rather, they will be shown through our daily interactions with
others." How true that is. How true that is.
Ich liebe euch! Danke für eure
Gebete und Unterstützung.
Alles Güte,

Elder Nathan D. Garlick
German Frankfurt Mission
"Shall we not go on in so great a cause?" D&C 128:22
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